Thursday, November 4, 2010


Woah! :O puuhhhleeeeaaasssseeee Help meeeeee! :O The word 'Final' & 'Exam' = final+exam=FINAL EXAM! Let's panic :O I know it's the final exam but,it's gonna be difficult -.-'' Infact,i'm a Lazy person :) & I'm proud of it! ~weeeeee. but,this time i have to this seriously! I have to S-T-U-D-Y :O well,it's up to me cz,i wanna marry my 8A's :D Tolong doakan saya ;) May God bless You!

Family Problems :|

Heyhey! Errm,family problems i guess? :/ Haih,I HATE IT! Stop fighting -.-'' We should Love each other not Hate each other! I wish my parents tak gaduh :( Hey,i'm still a kid right? Perghhh -.-'' So,you peeps out there,please doakan supaya my family don't have problems ;) Thnx!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Favourite Seniors :)

Hahaha xD My favourite seniors are Daim :) , Erick :) , Budi :) , Sheken :) , Fahmi :) . They are very Awesome! I guess? :P Thanks guys for letting me to be your friend! Love you all..

Saturday, September 25, 2010

~Hari Raya 2010~

Firstly,Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri,Maaf Zahir & Batin to all the muslims :) This year raya,is the worst raya of all -.-'' It sucks! haih,less people came but,i received plenty of duit raya :O gosh! I can't believe that! That raya is fun,Maybe lah.. I wore green baju kurung on the first day! Pink on the 2nd & Orange at the 3rd day! Ate all the delicious food! ~Yummy~ I played bunga api,mercun it was very fun!That's all! This raya,i want to 'mintak maaf' to all my friends,enemies,random people,my family,cousins,& someone! Maafkan saya if i did something wrong :) Thank You~

Monday, August 30, 2010

A Story About Faaaahhhmmmiii ;DDD

Once Upon A Time,fahmi a.k.a gedik ar! Bapak kuang ajar nk bwt blog tulis pasal aq >:o Well,it all begins with FAHMI! Dia tu asyik2 nk kenakan aq! Aq ada nama nk jugk panggil kecik! Aq xphm dgn dia..Seriously,dia tu G-I-L-A :O Mcmlah aq org yg paling kecik di dunia! Dia tu Kurus Keding nk mampus! xD Lastly,saya Alia nk 'berterima kasih' atas segala2 kebaikan yg dibuat olehnya..dengan memberikannya sekeping gambar yang bertajuk 'Fahmi Muka Blur' Mungkin ada orang rasa dia 'comel' atau 'hensem' tetapi bagi saya,dia tu Senget! =.=''

P/S: Fahmi aq bukan Watercolour..:O
Nk pakai tie,pakai,jgn xpakai sudaaa! Kalau x kitaorg tepuk2 ;DDD

Thank You for everything Fahmi ;D walaupun ko tu senget skit tpi,ur a good friend :) jgn terasa!

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Love Ramadhan!

Ramadhan Rocks Guys! ;DDDD Well,i know whe have to Puasa and all that..but,I still love Ramadhan :)) It's the Best Month Of The Year! Our late family members can visit us :) and watch us.Bazaar Ramadhan..argh! Lots of Fooddddd :DDD Yummy~ Hari Raya is the AWESOME day of my life! and to all the Muslims :D Dapat duit raya! heheh,that's all. btw,please don't ever 'takbir raya' bcz,'ask ur ustazah or ustaz' :P

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kantoi~Our Version :)


Semalam i call you,nenek you answer,
Nenek you kata, you keluar pergi kedai mamak,
You kata you keluar dengan nenek you,
but when i call your nenek said it wasn't true....

Soo,i drove my car pergi drive-thru MCD,
Nenek kata maybe,you beli Big-Mac,
Tapi,bila i sampai,you,you tengah berak!
Lagilah,i jadi gilerrr

Sudahlah sayang,I don't believe you..
Always known that your words we're never true..
Why my nenek with you?? I pown x tahu...-.-
No wonderlah,My ATOK pown xsuka you! -________-

Soo,i guess that's the end of our story!
Akhir kata,she accepted his apology..
Tapi,last2 kita dapat tahu he was a gay too..
With her ex-boyfriend,bestfriend,girlfriend,blabla,...ATOKKKKKKKK

KANTOI! (Merepeklah) ~version ori Kantoi-Zee Avi :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fifa WorldCup 2010~Brazil

Ole! Ole! Ole! Fifa Worldcup 2010 :D I support Brazil cz,they are the BEST! Who do you support? But,unfortunately Spain won! :|

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mid~Year Examination D:

Wazzup! Haih,talking about Mid~Year Exam :( GOSH! It's awful plus difficult! Maths paper2 was difficult,science paper2,LI n agama! >:0 ! Like Cikgu Hanizam says..(Soalan senang,jawapan susah!) hahaha wht a joke :D I wish i can have a good results..Kinda* That's all! Gud luck to others too..xoxo

Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Best Friends :)

10.Harith Syafiy b.Datuk Shazali Ahmad ( A true friend and handsome jugak :D )

9. Nur Hanisah bt.Mutalib ( The swimmer :D )

8. Anis Aqilah bt.Roslan ( Anonot and cute too :D )

7. Nur Syazwina bt.Nordin ( The bieber nerd )

6. Zarith fitrah bt.Zainal Abidin ( The lovely one :D )

5. Athirah Jazmina bt.Abdul Jalil ( Nenek Rock :D )

4. Salsabiila bt.Nuriazam ( My laughing partner :D )

3. Wan Nadhrah Zafirah bt.Wan Ali Saifuddin( Zirafah and Funny one :D )

2. Bridget Kong ( My friendly friend :D )

1. Amirah Haziqah ( Amiwah and My Genius friend :D )

Friday, May 28, 2010

SAB v.s. SG

Hey peeps! Today,I wanna share my story wif ya! :) It's about my new school that is:~ SMK Aminuddin Baki. I miss SG I moved there,cz 'tak ada rezeki'.SG is better cz,Private school mahh..I kinda got lots of friend there n especially meet cute boys xD Duhh..! I luv the teachers there n I got myself a 'Abang Angkat' :) Shhh..! Last for not least, SYAHBANDAR ROCKZS! ~weee :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Teletubbies (=

Teletubbies is my property! Well,actually It is a kiddo tv~show like in 1997-2001 :) Luckily,I was born in the year 1997! The teletubbies characters are:~

Po EH-OH! ( srry cz,I dun have the pic)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hey There..:)

Hey! I'm Alia Syuhada. I'm 13years old,SMK Aminuddin Baki n ex~Sri Garden student (= Syahbandar!! n DAIM :D